






icon-luggage 追加手荷物

icon-prefer 優先席

icon-luggage ホットミール

icon-luggage ギフト

icon-luggage ラウンジ

icon-luggage MAAS

Your Trip


旅行書類について 旅行書類について



  • 「eチケットお客様控」は搭乗手続の際にご提示いただきますので印刷して必ずお持ちください。
  • また、入国審査でも提示を求められる場合がありますので、ご旅行終了まで必ずお持ちください。

印刷する環境がない方など、お困りの方は下記の「オンライン予約 ヘルプデスク」までご連絡ください。









  • パスポート
  • カンボジアの法律下で発行された運転免許証
  • 身分証明書の紛失、または未発効が確認できる当局からの正式な書類
  • 航空会社の身分証明書
  • 出生証明書もしくは同等物


  • ビザ必要 観光査証の滞在可能日数は30日。
  • パスポートの残存期間は入国時6ヵ月以上必要。
  • 情報問合せ先:在日本カンボジア王国大使館 TEL 03-5412-8521



カンボジアの入国(E/D)カード、税関申告書の記入例は こちらをクリック

下記のリンク先より、カンボジア・アンコール航空の就航国の 旅券・査証/入国カードに関する情報 をご確認いただけます。




カンボジアの国際空港から出発する場合、入国審査の手続きを進める前に、空港で必要な書類を入手することが出来ます。 カンボジアに到着の場合は、フライト前のチェックインカウンターまたは客室乗務員から入国の際に必要な書類が渡されます。

How to apply E-Visa to visit INDIA

What documents shall be prepared before applying an e-Visa

In order to apply e-Visa, you need to have some prepared document including:

1. Your front image:

- Format in JPEG

- Size: minimum 10KB and maximum 2MB

- The minimum dimension is 2*2 or at least 350 pixels by 350 pixels in height and width

2. Your passport copy page:

- Format in PDF

- Size: minimum 10KB and maximum 300KB

- Passport upload of your both photo and detail page


How to apply E-Visa for E-tourist visit

- Step1: To apply E-visa, please go to the link: https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/

Then it will lead you this main page, after that you need to choose “For eVisa by Bureau of immigration”

- Step2: After clicking, you will be lead to this entrance page; you need to click on “Apply here for e-Visa”; in any case, you are not clear on applying E-visa step, you can preview the “Sample e-Visa application” that the India government has prepared for you.

- Step 3: Once you click on the apply here for e-Visa; then you will go to their first page of the application by provide your information and the type of the visa service and then you need to tick on I have read all the instruction…. Etc.

- Step 4: After applying on the first page, then you will go the second page to fill the detail form and information of your application; please make sure, you have read all the questions and fill the information correctly (which match your passport data and ID card data).

after providing your detail information form, you have a choice whether you want to continue to the next page or you want to save and temporarily exist. If you choose save and temporarily exist; you need to note down your Temporarily Application ID for example: “240417027B5MPDS”



- Step 5: If you want to continue you will fill the Visa Detail Form with the place you want to visit and you need to put both reference in India and Cambodia


- Step 6: after finishing your detail Visa form; they will ask you to answer the additional question detail and tick on the declaration statement; then you click on Save and continue.

- Step 7: Once you have done answering the question, you need to prepare 2 main items in order to finish the applying process; firstly, you need to have your photo (2x2) and for the specific detail and requirement they have stated clearly on the page.


- Step 8: then you need to upload your document of your copy passport page that contains your information and please make sure that this file is not over 300 KB and not less than 10KB with the PDF format.

- Step 9: After done completing and uploading your information, you need to pay for the e-Visa fee and in this case we recommend to use PayPal which will be convenience and easy for you and its cost around 40 USD (excluding tax). Then you will have a one-year e-Visa to India.


-Step 10: after you have completed your payment, they will email to your personal email that you have input while applying for e-Visa; that your visa applying status is granted. In this case, you can download your e-Visa by tomorrow. Moreover, please take note to the application ID in order to download the e-Visa.


How to download the granted e-Visa

-Step1: check your email to get your Application ID and then go to the website https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html , please click on “Check your Visa status”

- Step 2: then input your ID and passport no. and other requirement; after then click for “Advanced search for e-Visa only”. Later on it will lead you to your Visa and then you can download it. Once it’s done, you can have a smooth and safe trip to India; but make sure to bring the print e-Visa with you during your flight.