비행 예약

항공편 체크인

예약 세부 사항을 입력하십시오. 모든 국제선 승객은 출발 2 시간 전에 체크인 카운터에 탑승 서류를 제시하여 탑승 게이트에서 짐을 피하는 여행 서류 / 체크 수하물을 확인해야합니다.

*로 표시된 필드는 필수입니다.

추가 옵션 표시

호텔 예약

수하물, 좌석

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icon-prefer 선호 좌석

icon-luggage 뜨거운 식사

icon-luggage 선물

icon-luggage 라운지

icon-luggage MAAS


비행 정보

Cambodia Angkor Air resumes flights Siem Reap - Ho Chi Minh

뉴스 | 16.06.2022

June 15, 2022: Cambodia Angkor Air, national flag carrier, successfully resumes flights linking Siem Reap and Ho Chi Minh city. The inaugural flight, K6 808, depart from 15:00 pm by ATR72-500 and lands at Tan Son Nhat Int’l airport (Ho Chi Minh city) at 16:30 pm.

The route marks our return service to Siem Reap, the UNESCO World Heritage Angkor Archaeological Complex. Initially, Cambodia Angkor Air will conduct 3 flights per week by ATR72-500 on every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday; and increase 1 more flight on every Monday from 01st July 2022.

Moreover we will operate flights connecting Siem Reap and DaNang, Vietnam from 01st July 2022; Siem Reap and Sihanoukville from 02nd July 2022. Passengers please visit our website: cambodiaangkorair.com or contact to our ticketing offices for booking and planning your trip. 

Remarkably, Cambodia Angkor Air is the first and only airline in Cambodia to have a safety certificate (IATA Operational Safety Audit - IOSA) and a full member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).



이 섹션에서 더 많은

뉴스 | 24.07.2024


더 읽어보기

뉴스 | 29.09.2022
Cambodia Angkor Air proudly introduces our new China route between Phnom Penh - Nanning.

Cambodia Angkor Air proudly introduces our new China route between Phnom Penh - Nanning.

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뉴스 | 13.09.2022
The 16th International Travel Expo 2022 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (ITE HCMC 2022)

The 16th ITE HCMC 2022 is the largest and most established travel event in Vietnam that enhance exchanges, tourism promotion and business opportunities for both domestic and foreign tourism companies.

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