비행 예약

항공편 체크인

예약 세부 사항을 입력하십시오. 모든 국제선 승객은 출발 2 시간 전에 체크인 카운터에 탑승 서류를 제시하여 탑승 게이트에서 짐을 피하는 여행 서류 / 체크 수하물을 확인해야합니다.

*로 표시된 필드는 필수입니다.

추가 옵션 표시

호텔 예약

수하물, 좌석

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icon-prefer 선호 좌석

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icon-luggage MAAS


비행 정보

PNH-PVG flight anouncement

Cambodia Angkor Air has successfully resume flight between Phnom Penh and Shanghai  

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2022: Cambodia Angkor Air, ​ the national flag carrier, successfully resumes flight between Phnom Penh and Shanghai. The inaugural flight, K6 866, departs from Phnom Penh International Airport at 14:50 by Airbus A320 and lands at Shanghai-Pudong International Airport (China) at 19:45. Thus, by operating this route, it could stimulate more benefits for the economy and will provide more convenience for passengers traveling between the two countries.

Initially, Cambodia Angkor Air will conduct 1 flights per week by Airbus A320/1 on every Saturday. Moreover, for the routes to China: there’re also our continuing routes between Phnom Penh and Guangzhou 2 flights/week, between Phnom Penh and Zhengzhou 1 flight/week, Phnom Penh and Nanning 1 flight/week, and between Phnom Penh and Nanchang 1 flight/week.

Remarkably, Cambodia Angkor Air is the first airline in Cambodia that receive a safety certificate from the International Air Transport Association's Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) and has been an official member of IATA since 2017, and with this status Cambodia Angkor Air has been recognized of having international safety and been trusted by passengers and partners both local and international.

To book the flight ticket, please visit:

Website: www.cambodiaangkorair.com

Cambodia branch office: (+855) 23 6666 789

Vietnam branch office: (+84) 28 35471 767

China Branch office: (+86) 20 8331 0123 / (+86) 20 8331 2213

Email: helpdesk_online_2@cambodiaangkorair.com

#shanghai #china #phnompenh #cambodia

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