비행 예약

항공편 체크인

예약 세부 사항을 입력하십시오. 모든 국제선 승객은 출발 2 시간 전에 체크인 카운터에 탑승 서류를 제시하여 탑승 게이트에서 짐을 피하는 여행 서류 / 체크 수하물을 확인해야합니다.

*로 표시된 필드는 필수입니다.

추가 옵션 표시

호텔 예약

수하물, 좌석

icon-luggage 추가 수하물

icon-prefer 선호 좌석

icon-luggage 뜨거운 식사

icon-luggage 선물

icon-luggage 라운지

icon-luggage MAAS


비행 정보

Viet Nam Entry Regulations


Refer to the announcement from Vietnam MOFA, Vietnam will restore the entry policy as before the Covid-19 pandemic

  1. Restoring the process and procedures for granting all types of visas and visa exemption certificates according to the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit and Residence of Foreigners.
  2. Visa exemption for Asean countries with maximum period of stay as below:
  • 14 days: Brunei, Myanmar
  • 21 days: Philippines
  • 30 days: Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand
  1. Restoration of visa exemption for foreigners under international treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party or visa exemption on a reciprocal basis (to see the list, please refer to: www.lanhsuvietnam.gov.vn).
  2. Reinstatement of unilateral visa exemption for citizens of 13 countries (Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic, Republic of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russian Federation, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Finland, and Republic of Belarus) for the maximum period of residence is 15 days, applied until the end of 14 March 2025. People on entry need to have a passport valid for at least 06 months at the time of entry and is not banned from entering Vietnam.


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