비행 예약

항공편 체크인

예약 세부 사항을 입력하십시오. 모든 국제선 승객은 출발 2 시간 전에 체크인 카운터에 탑승 서류를 제시하여 탑승 게이트에서 짐을 피하는 여행 서류 / 체크 수하물을 확인해야합니다.

*로 표시된 필드는 필수입니다.

추가 옵션 표시

호텔 예약

수하물, 좌석

icon-luggage 추가 수하물

icon-prefer 선호 좌석

icon-luggage 뜨거운 식사

icon-luggage 선물

icon-luggage 라운지

icon-luggage MAAS


비행 정보

Sea Games (Pencak Silat team of Vietnam)

Phnom Penh: On 19th April 2023, Cambodia Angkor Air is pleased to serve our special guests, Pencak Silat team of Vietnam, as they join us to participate in Cambodia for the ASEAN Festival: the 32nd SEA Games, which is one of the major sporting events. The inaugural flight No. K6 851, departed from Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam at 20:35 and arrived at Phnom Penh International Airport at 22:15, taking a duration time of approximately 1h 45 min.  With our experienced professionals, we ensure that the team arrives safely, comfortably, and on time for their matches and devote ourselves to providing excellent service to all our passengers, and look forward to supporting all other athletic teams in their quest for success.

Thank you for choosing Cambodia Angkor Air, and we wish all the athletes participating in this major sporting event with the best of luck.

Join us in celebrating the 32nd SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games and experience the beauty and warmth of Cambodia. 

To book the flight ticket, please visit: 

  • Website: www.cambodiaangkorair.com
  • Cambodia Branch office: (+855) 23 6666 788 / (+855) 23 666 789 / (+855) 23 6666 787
  • China Branch office: (+86) 20 8331 0123 / (+86) 20 8331 2213
  • Vietnam Branch office: (+84) 28 35471 767

For further information, please contact our email: helpdesk_online_2@cambodiaangkorair.com

#VisitCambodia2023 #SEAGames32 #ASEANParaGames12 #Flywithk6 #Cambodiaangkorair #ProudToServeTheKingdom

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